Availability services

Manuscripts and documents collection, unpublished doctoral dissertations and their reference collection are available on the basis of the Special collections availability procedures (Procedury udostępniania zbiorów specjalnych), issued on 22nd September 2004 by the Nicolaus Copernicus University Library Director for the Special Collections reading room.

Before getting manuscripts and documents the user is obliged to fill Declaration for NCU Library Special Collections users (Deklaracja czytelnika zbiorów specjalnych), in case a librarian on duty considers appropriate, a user is obliged to show Certificate confirming the need for using special collections (Zaświadczenie o potrzebie korzystania ze zbiorów specjalnych).

Doctoral dissertations are available on the basis of NCU President's Regulation No. 43 from 12th October 2000 on the availability of unpublished bachelor's thesis, master's thesis, doctoral dissertations. On the basis of the above Regulation the user is obliged to submit a form.

Manuscripts collection items can be copied in case a librarian on duty allows. Only digital copies (scans or photographs) can be ordered. To copy the most precious items NCU Library Director's agreement is required.

Unpublished doctoral dissertations as well as the reference collection can be scanned photographed and copied if a librarian on duty allows. Copying is conducted with the preservation of copy rights.

Doctoral dissertations, after defense and written for Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, are a separate category of manuscripts collection.

Digital copies are made in the Department of Library Automation and Digitalization. Prices are in point IV of the NCU Library services price list (Cennik usług biblioteki). Paper copies and prints are made in PRESTO copying center placed in the library building.

Special collections reading room is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 9AM to 2PM, Thursdays and Fridays from 9AM to 6PM. In August the reading room is closed, in July and September it is open from Monday to Friday from 9AM to 2PM.