
Nordic Days 2024: meetings with authors Katarzyna Tubylewicz and Niels Hav

We cordially invite you to meetings with authors Katarzyna Tubylewicz and Niels Hav, which will take place as part of the Nordic Days organized by the Faculty of Historical Sciences and the University Library on April 16 in the University Library on the second floor.


Meeting with Katarzyna Tubylewicz and promotion of her book Lonely as a Swede? About the people of the North who like to be alone will start at 12.00, and will be led by Paweł Kaźmierczak from the Department of the History of Scandinavia and Central and Eastern Europe, Faculty of Historical Sciences of the NCU. The meeting will be accompanied by an exhibition of photographs by Daniel Tubylewicz entitled Landscapes of loneliness and an exhibition of books by Katarzyna Tubylewicz from the collections of the Main Library of the Nicolaus Copernicus University.


At 1:45 p.m. we invite you to a meeting with the Danish poet Niels Hav and the translators of Danish poetry, Bogusława Sochańska and Paweł Kaźmierczak. Translation of a selection of Niels Hav's poetry entitled Moments of Happiness was prepared as part of the Statens Kunstfond grant funded by the Danish Arts Foundation - the largest Danish artistic foundation, promoting Danish art abroad and setting new paths for the development of talented artists.


Katarzyna Tubylewicz - writer, cultural expert, journalist and translator of Swedish literature. Author of appreciated reports about contemporary Sweden Lonely as a Swede? About the people of the North who like to be alone, Moralists. How Swedes learn from mistakes and other stories, The Swedish Art of Loving. About love and sex in the North and a non-Stockholm guide Stockholm. A city that teems with silence. She also wrote several novels: Their Own Places, Peers, Marcel's Last Novel and the crime novel Very Cold Spring. Originator and co-author of the anthology of conversations about reading and its promotion: Sweden Reads. Poland reads. Tubylewicz translated from Swedish into Polish, among others: four novels by Majgull Axelsson, Jonas Gardell's famous trilogy about AIDS in Sweden Never wipe your tears without gloves, several reportages by Maciej Zaremba, the Ryszard Kapuściński Award nominee (also for translation) Niklas Orrenius' reportage Shots in Copenhagen and the great novel by the Swedish-speaking Finn Kjell Westör The sky is the color of sulfur. She also runs workshops for translators of Swedish fiction and writing workshops You Must Tell It. She was the program director of the first edition of the Gdańsk Literary Translators' Meetings Found in Translation and the director of the Polish Institute in Stockholm. As a journalist, she collaborates with, among others, with Polityka, TokFM and Gazeta Wyborcza and with the Swedish magazine Kvartal. She has been practicing and teaching Ashtanga yoga for many years. Lives in Stockholm.


Daniel Tubylewicz - born and raised in Sweden, third-year student of the Cinematography Department of the Łódź Film School. One of his short films, The Lovers, was shown at the Camerimage festival in Toruń. He is the author of photos for three books by Katarzyna Tubylewicz Stockholm. A city that teems with silence, Lonely as a Swede? About people of the North who like to be alone and the Swedish art of love. About love and sex in the North. Daniel draws a lot of inspiration from skateboarding and punk culture, his favorite photographers are Lee Friedlander, Ed Templeton, Vivian Maier and Trent Parke. Photos for the book Lonely as a Swede? About people of the North who like to be alone is a reportage about places where you can find beautiful, soothing, good solitude.


Niels Hav – Danish writer and poet. He published seven collections of poetry and three collections of short stories in Danish. His work was awarded by the Danish Art Institute. Translated, among others: English, Portuguese, Turkish, Farsi, Serbian, Arabic, Spanish, Albanian and Dutch.


Bogusława Sochańska - translator, author of essays on Danish literature and culture. A graduate of Danish philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, where in the years 1980-1995 she lectured at the Department of Scandinavian Studies, among others, history of Danish literature and translation studies. He considers his most important achievements to be translations of Hans Christian Andersen's works and Danish poetry, as well as introducing Janina Katz's prose and poetry to Polish culture. Winner of, among others: Danish State Prize for Literary Translator 2014, Danish awards for Hans Christian Andersen (2007 and 2018), the GDYNIA Literary Award 2019 for the translation of Inger Christensen's conceptual poem Alphabet, as well as the ZAiKS Association of Authors' Association awards for translation work (2020).


Paweł Kaźmierczak - lecturer of Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, literary scholar and translator specializing in prose and contemporary Scandinavian poetry, assistant at the Department of History of Scandinavia and Central and Eastern Europe at the Faculty of Historical Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus University. He is a scholarship holder, among others: Polish-Scandinavian Institute in Copenhagen and Swedish Institute in Stockholm. In 2021, he was awarded the European Innovation Mark for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning by the Swedish Ministry of Education Skolverket and the European Commission for co-authoring international communication workshops. He is preparing a doctoral dissertation on the reception of Wisława Szymborska's poetry in Scandinavia.


You're welcome!